
NOWPAP区域富营养化评估CEARAC专家会议于2017年10月18日在中国青岛召开。 会议回顾了CEARAC正在开展的筛选程序试应用活动,筛选程序是NOWPAP富营养化评估共同程序的一部分。 会议还讨论了当前评估方法的改进和未来沿岸富营养化评估计划。








Briefing of the activity on trial application of the screening procedure of the NOWPAP Common Procedure for eutrophication assessment
Genki Terauchi, NOWPAP CEARAC

Identification of eutrophic zones in the NOWPAP sea areas of China based on the Screening Procedure
Zhiming YU and Zaixing WU, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Trial application of the screening procedure of the NOWPAP Common Procedure to the NOWPAP sea areas in Japan
Genki Terauchi, Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center / NOWPAP CEARAC

Brief summary of potential eutrophic zones in Korea
Juyun Lee, Business Development Team, Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation

Trial application of the Screening procedure of the NOWPAP Common Procedure and WebGIS activity of CEARAC
Vladimir Shulkin, Laboratory of Geochemistry, Pacific Geographical Institute, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Eutrophication and HAB
Yasuwo Fukuyo, Tokai University, University of Tokyo

Marine Eutrophication operational monitoring
Huo LUO, National Marine Environment Monitoring Centre, State Oceanic Administration
