基于自动翻译创建 2019 2024.12.03 2019.09.10 第 17 届 NOWPAP CEARAC 协调中心会议 (FPM) 于 2019 年 9 月 9-10 日举行。 欲了解更多有关FPM的信息,请点击 此处。 第 17 届 CEARAC 协调中心会议报告(英语) Report Report of the 17th NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting Annex I List of Participants for the 17th NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting Annex II List of Documents for the 17th NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting Annex III Agenda for the 17th NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting Annex III-I Annotated Provisional Agenda Annex IV Report of the NOWPAP Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) on the progress in the implementation of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan Annex V Report on CEARAC Activities for the 2018-2019 biennium Annex VI Report on development of the CEARAC Medium-term Strategy for Marine Biodiversity Conservation (MTS) Annex VI Appendix Annex VI Annex Annex VII Report on development of a roadmap for the NOWPAP Region Action Plan for Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Conservation (RAP BIO) Annex VIII Report on development of a tool for mapping seagrass distribution in the NOWPAP region Annex IX Proposal on CEARAC’s activities for marine biodiversity conservation for the 2020-2021 biennium Annex X Proposal for case studies of estimating seagrass blue carbon in selected sea areas in the NOWPAP region Annex XI Proposal for improvement of the NOWPAP Eutrophication Assessment Tool (NEAT) for assessment and monitoring of eutrophication using satellite chlorophyll-a Annex XII Proposal for organization of the 5th NOWPAP Training Course on Remote Sensing Data Analysis Annex XIII Draft workplan and budget of CEARAC Activities for the 2020-2021 biennium Annex XIV Report on CEARAC Marine litter activities Annex XV List of CEARAC Focal Points Appendix Appendix