基于自动翻译创建 会议报告 2025.01.08 2003.10.30 第1届NOWPAP WG3(HAB)会议于 2003 年 10 月 28-30 日在大 韩民国釜山举行。 有关 WG 的更多信息,请点击此处。 第1届NOWPAP WG3(HAB)会议报告 Report Report of the First Meeting of NOWPAP Working Group 3 Annex I List of Participants for the First Meeting of NOWPAP Working Group 3 Annex II List of Documents for the First Meeting of NOWPAP Working Group 3 Annex III Agenda for the First Meeting of NOWPAP Working Group3 Annex III-1 Annotated Provisional Agenda Annex IV Draft Terms of Reference for NOWPAP Working Group 3 Reviewed by the First Meeting of NOWPAP WG3 Annex V Plan of Work for NOWPAP Working Group 3 Reviewed by the First Meeting of NOWPAP WG3 Annex V-1 Draft Integrated Report 2003 Prepared and Submitted by CEARAC Secretariat Annex V-2 Questionnaire on Activities Concerning NOWPAP WG3 / HAB Prepared and Submitted by CEARAC Secretariat Annex V-3 HAB Meta-database Prepared and Submitted by CEARAC Secretariat Annex V-4 Guideline for National Report Prepared and Submitted by CEARAC Secretariat Annex VI List of Experts of NOWPAP Working Group 3