「第1 NEAR-GOOS-NOWPAP合同リモートセンシングデータ分析研修」の開催

  平成19年9月3日から7日にかけて、長崎大学において、第1回NEAR-GOOS-NOWPAP合同リモートセンシングデー解析研修(The First NEAR-GOOS – NOWPAP Joint Training Course on Remote Sensing Data Analysis)を開催しました。

1. 目的

2. 日程

3. 開催地 

4. 主催者等
    主催:IOC西太平洋小委員会 (WESTPAC)
    共催: 長崎大学

5. 研修内容

6. 受講者

中国 3
日本 8
韓国 4
ロシア 4
インドネシア 2
タイ 1
ベトナム 2

7. 講師

氏名 役職 / 所属
中国 Dr. Junwu TANG Researcher, Chief of Cal/Val Team / 2nd Division, National Satellite Ocean Application Service
日本 Dr. Ichio ASANUMA Professor / Faculty of Informatic Science, The Tokyo University of Information Science
日本 Dr. Joji ISHIZAKA Professor / Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University
日本 Dr. Hiroshi KAWAMURA Professor / Ocean Environment Research Section Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Studies, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
日本 Mr. Eiji MUKAINAKA Oceanographic Data and Information Officer / Japan Oceanographic Data Center
日本 Mr. Genki TERAUCHI Researcher / NOWPAP CEARAC
日本 Mr. Takashi YOSHIDA Senior Scientific Officer / Office of Marine Prediction, Japan Meteorological Agency
韓国 Dr. Sang-Woo KIM Senior Researcher / Satellite Ocean Information Laboratory,
Ocean Research Team, National Fisheries Research & Development Institute (NFRDI)
韓国 Dr. Kyung-Ae PARK Assistant Professor / Department of Earth Science Education, Seoul National University
ロシア Dr. Leonid MITNIK Professor / Satellite Oceanography, V. I.II’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
米国 Dr. Mati KAHRU Project Scientist / IOD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography


8. 研修プログラム

日付 時間 プログラム 講師

9:00-9:20 Opening Ceremony and Course Orientation

Introduction – Remote sensing for the Northeast Asian Seas (L)

Dr. Hiroshi KAWAMURA
11:00-12:30 Atmospheric correction and bio-optical algorithm for ocean color remote sensing (L) Dr. Ichio ASANUMA
13:30-14:20 Introduction to satellite data distribution systems (L) Dr. Joji ISHIZAKA
14:20-15:10 Operational oceanographic data exchange and NEAR-GOOS Regional Real Time Data Base (L) Mr. Takashi YOSHIDA
15:20-16:10 Introduction of RDMDB (NEAR-GOOS) & Data Management at JODC (L) Mr. Eiji MUKAINAKA
16:10-17:00 – Basic exercise on WIM/WAM: Familiarizing with satellite data distribution system (H)
– Introduction to software for satellite data analysis: with an emphasis on SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (L)

Dr. Mati KAHRU (WIM)



9:00-9:45 Optic Properties and Regional Ocean Color Algorithms for the Case-II Waters in China Seas (L) Dr. Junwu TANG
9:45-10:30 Validation of Ocean Color Remote Sensing Data in Korea (L) Dr. Sang-Woo KIM
10:45-12:15 Satellite-based Red-Tide Detection/Monitoring (L) Dr. Hiroshi KAWAMURA
13:30-17:00 Visualizing and projecting satellite data images (H) Dr. Mati KAHRU
9月5日 9:00-10:30 Introduction to Eutrophication Monitoring Guidelines by remote sensing for the NOWPAP Region and case study conducted in Toyama Bay and East China Sea (L) Dr. Joji Ishizaka
10:45-12:15 Case Studies of Red Tide (L) Dr. Joji Ishizaka
13:30-17:00 Command line programs for time series analysis (H) Dr. Mati KAHRU
9月6日 9:00-12:15 Measurements of Ocean Optical Properties for Sea Truth and Primary Production (L) Dr. Joji ISHIZAKA
13:30-17:00 Match up analysis with sea truth measurement data HAB detection (H) Dr. Mati KAHRU
9月7日 9:00-10:30 Monitoring of oil pollution with the use of satellite imagery (L) Dr. Leonid MITNIK
10:30-12:15 Introduction to NGSST and SST application for monitoring of ocean environment (L) Dr. Kyung-Ae PARK
13:30-17:00 Time series analysis of NGSST data (H) Dr. Mati KAHRU
17:00-17:30 Closing ceremony CEARAC Director

(L) = 講義
(H) = 演習

