자동 번역을 기반으로 작성 회의 보고서 2025.01.06 2006.03.09 2006년 3월 8일과 9일까지 제4차 NOWPAP CEARAC 초점 회의(FPM)가 개최되었습니다. FPM에 대한 자세한 내용을 보려면 여기를 클릭하세요. 제4차 NOWPAP CEARAC 중점 사항 회의 보고서(영어) Report Report of the Fourth NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting Annex I List of Participants for the Fourth NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting Annex II List of Documents for the Fourth NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting Annex III Agenda for the Fourth NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting Annex III-1 Annotated Provisional Agenda Annex IV Report of the Implementation of CEARAC Activities in 2005 Annex V Report of the CEARAC Workplan and budget for the 2004-2005 Biennium approved by the 10th NOWPAP IGM Annex VI Terms of the References of CEARAC FPM Annex VII Terms of the References of NOWPAP WG3 (HAB) Annex VIII Terms of the References of NOWPAP WG4 (RS) Annex IX Workplan of NOWP WG3 ( HAB) for the 2006-2007 Biennium Annex X Workplan of NOWP WG4 ( RS) for the 2006-2007 Biennium Annex XI CEARAC workplan for implementation of Marine Litter Activities (MALITA) Annex XII CEARAC Workplan for implementation of the Sate of Marine Environment report in the NOWPWP Region Annex XIII Workplan and Budget of CEARAC for the 2006-2007 Biennium Annex XIV List of CEARAC Focal Points Appendix Appendix