Webinar on “Global Eutrophication Watch” for REMARCO

On January 10, 2025, CEARAC gave a webinar to the Research Network of Marine-Coastal Stressors in Latin America and the Caribbean (REMARCO) on the Global Eutrophication Watch, a tool to map coastal eutrophication on a global scale using satellite remote sensing (https://eutrophicationwatch.users.earthengine.app/view/global-eutrophication-watch).

Through recommendation from UNEP, REMARCO recognized CEARAC’s activities on eutrophication assessment and asked CEARAC for a webinar. Especially, they were interested in learning how to use satellite-derived Chlorophyll-a to assess eutrophication at three different scales: regional (e.g., SE Pacific), national, and local (near monitoring stations).

In the webinar, Dr. Terauchi, senior researcher of CEARAC, introduced the function of the Global Eutrophication Watch and the procedure of the eutrophication assessment using GCOM-C SGLI data. He also introduced a CEARAC’s plan on the development of SDG Indicator 14.1.1a: Index of coastal eutrophication. The webinar was well received by its participants and followed by a high-quality Q&A session. Through this cooperative opportunity with REMARCO, CEARAC expects the Global Eutrophication Watch to be used more widely around the world, including Latin America and the Caribbean region.

You can see the webinar on YouTube:
