NOWPAP/NEASPEC Joint Workshop on Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Marine Protected Area in the Northwest Pacific was held on 13-14 March 2013 in Toyama, Japan.
*NEASPEC: North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation

1. Objectives
・Exchange opinions on the current status and future plans for marine protected areas (MPAs) in NOWPAP member states
・Share information on marine environment assessment for marine biodiversity conservation

2. Participants
・ Experts on marine biodiversity from Japan, China, Korea, and Russia, and government officials involved in marine biodiversity conservation measures in each country
・17 representatives of the NOWPAP Regional Coordination Unit (RCU), the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM), the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) and IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)

3. Main Results
Session 1 (Day 1): Status of MPAs and future plans for conservation of marine biodiversity
  Differences in the definitions and systems of MPAs in Japan, China, Korea, and Russia were      clarified, and information on future plans to design/expand MPAs in each member state was shared.
  The information obtained from this workshop will be compiled into a Regional Report at the end of 2013 and disseminated widely to the member states and other international organizations.
Session 2 (Day1): Current status and challenges of assessing marine environment for marine biodiversity conservation
  Presentations were made on marine environment assessment methods and indicators for marine biodiversity conservation that have been undertaken by other regions and international organizations (PICES, HELCOM and IOC/WESTPAC). It was recommended that in reference to these activities, the collection of biodiversity-related data in the NOWPAP region and the development of marine environment assessment methods for the conservation of marine biodiversity based on available data should be considered as future CEARAC activities.
Session 3(Day 2): North-East Asian MPA Network
The participants exchanged opinions on the “North-East Asian MPA Network”, which NEASPEC plans to launch in 2013, including its objectives, activities, scope, organizational structure, and how it should collaborate with NOWPAP.

4. Report
“NOWPAP/NEASPEC Joint Workshop on Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Marine Protected Areas in the Northwest Pacific”
