The 7th NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting was held on the 14th and 15th of September 2009 in Toyama, Japan. About 20 experts and authorities including the members of FPM, representatives of NOWPAP RCU and RACs, and others participated in the meeting.
At first, the Director of CEARAC reported the implementation and expenditure of CEARAC activities for the 2008-2009 biennium.
Following this report, the draft workplan and budget of CEARAC activities for the 2010-2011 biennium were explained. The workplan includes 5 proposals of new activities: implementation of the assessment of eutrophication status; update of the Integrated Reports on HAB and Ocean Remote Sensing, which were published in 2005; organization of the 3rd training course on remote sensing data analysis; and development of a new marine assessment method focusing on marine biodiversity.
During the meeting, further cooperation between CEARAC and other RACs and relevant regional/international organizations and projects were emphasized by the participants. CEARAC will take every opportunity to develop more communications and information sharing means with others.