The meeting reviewed and discussed the workplan and budget of CEARAC for the 2008-2009 biennium, mainly the five new activities: HAB Case Studies; HAB Integrated Website; educational materials for utilization of remote sensing data for marine environment conservation; the 2nd NOWPAP training course on remote sensing data analysis; and procedures for assessment of eutrophication status including evaluation of land based sources of nutrients for the NOWPAP Region.Date : 10-12 September 2008
Venue : Tower 111 (INTEC Bldg.), Toyama, Japan
Participants : Experts of NOWPAP WG3 and WG4, Invited guest, Observers and Secretariat
Summary of the meeting :
Overview of the activities and budgets of CEARAC and WG3 and WG4
- The Secretariat reported CEARAC activities in the 2006-2007 biennium and presented Workplan and Budget for the 2008-2009 biennium.
- The Secretariat also reported activities of WG3 and WG4 in the 2006-2007 biennium and presented its Workplan and Budget for the 2008-2009 biennium, which had been approved by the 6th Focal Points Meeting for NOWPAP CEARAC (Toyama, Japan, 6-8 March 2008).
Discussion on HAB Case Studies (WG3)
- CEARAC implements HAB case studies to establish the most effective and laborsaving way for sharing information on HAB occurrence and oceanographic and meteorological conditions and to summarize common concerned items.
- Nominated national experts presented interim progress reports of this activity.
- The meeting discussed how to standardize items for information sharing.
Discussion on development of HAB Integrated Website (WG3)
- CEARAC develops a website which provides HAB-related information as well as outcomes of past activities in WG3.
- The meeting discussed what information should be included as contents of the website and how/when to update the site.
Discussion on development of educational materials for utilization of remote sensing data for marine environment conservation (WG4)
- CEARAC develops the educational materials for utilization of remote sensing data for marine environment conservation, targeting at students, young researchers and coastal managers in the NOWPAP region, in order to further promote the use of remote sensing as a marine environmental monitoring tool.
- The meeting discussed contents of the materials and effective providing styles of them.
Organization of the Second NOWPAP training course on remote sensing data analysis (WG4)
- CEARAC announced that, following the first one, the Second NOWPAP training course on remote sensing data analysis would be held on 1-5 November 2008 in Jeju, Korea to help students, young researchers and coastal mangers obtain useful skills and knowledge in utilizing remote sensing data in monitoring and assessment of marine environment.
Discussion on development of procedures for assessment of eutrophication status including evaluation of land based sources of nutrients for the NOWPAP Region (WG3 and WG4 Joint)
- CEARAC develops useful procedures for assessment of eutrophication status (nutrient enrichment, HAB occurrence, and other direct and indirect effects from nutrient enrichment) by utilizing remote sensing techniques that can be shared among the NOWPAP member states, based on lessons learnt from a pilot study conducted in Toyama Bay.
- Nominated national experts presented interim progress reports of this activity.
- The meeting discussed in details for harmonization and consolidation of common procedures.
Report of the 4th NOWPAP Working Group 3 and 4 Joint Meeting