자동 번역을 기반으로 작성 2003 2025.01.10 2003.12.03 2003년 12월 1~3일 러시아 블라디보스토크에서 제1회 NOWPAP 워킹그룹 4(RS) 회의가 열렸습니다. WG에 대한 자세한 정보를 원하시면 여기를 클릭하세요. 제1차 NOWPAP WG4 회의 보고서(영어) Report Report of the First Meeting of NOWPAP Working Group 4 Annex I List of Participants for the First Meeting of NOWPAP Working Group 4 Annex II List of Documents for the First Meeting of NOWPAP Working Group 4 Annex III Agenda for the First Meeting of NOWPAP Working Group 4 Annex III-1 ANNOTATED AGENDA Annex IV DRAFT TERMS of REFERENCE for the NOWPAP WORKING GROUP 4 (Reviewed by the First Meeting of NOWPAP WG 4) Annex V PLAN of WORK for the NOWPAP WORKING GROUP 4 (Reviewed by the First Meeting of NOWPAP WG 4) Annex V-1 Portal site on Remote Sensing Annex V-2 Website on Oil Spill Monitoring (Prepared and Submitted by CEARAC Secretariat) Annex V-3 Draft Integrated Report 2003 (Prepared and Submitted by CEARAC Secretariat) Annex V-4 Guidelines for National Report (Prepared and Submitted by CEARAC Secretariat) Annex VI List of Experts of NOWPAP Working Group 4