The Second NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting

The Second NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting

The Second NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting was held from 15th to 17th of March 2004 in Toyama, Japan. About 25 experts and authorities including the members of the FPM, the head of the IOC sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (IOC/WESTPAC), the Directors of NOWPAP RACs and others participated in the meeting.

Following the opening addresses, the Director of CEARAC explained CEARAC activities and related expenditures of the budget for the 2002-2003 biennium. He also explained the final version of the Terms of Reference for the NOWPAP FPM approved by the eighth Intergovernmental Meeting. The meeting reviewed the report for the 2002-2003 biennium and approved it.

During the discussion of CEARAC activities, it was suggested that NOWPAP/CEARAC should build up partnerships with other organizations such as IOC/WESTPAC, which conducts activities similar to those of NOWPAP/CEARAC.

Besides the suggestions, one invited guest, Dr. Miguel D. Fortes, head of IOC/WESTPAC, introduced the role of IOC and the recent activities of IOC/WESTPAC in the western Pacific. The FPM agreed to the need for a continuous partnership between IOC/WESTPAC and NOWPAP.

The meeting also approved the Terms of Reference and the work plans for Working Group 3 (WG3) and Working Group 4 (WG4) after reviewing them. One of the important activities for both WG3 and WG4 is to publish the National Reports. The approved work plans of the two groups indicated that each NOWPAP Member would make the first issues of the National Reports in 2005.

The FPM pointed out possibility of cooperative work and communication between the two groups because they had common focuses such as red tide and eutrophication. The meeting also recognized the importance of CEARACs cooperation with other RACs, such as DINRAC, in order to implement the activities of NOWPAP efficiently.

As for another agenda, the FPM reviewed the draft work plan and the budget of CEARAC activities for the 2004-2005 biennium and approved them.

See Report of Second NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting
