The 4th NOWPAP CAEARC Focal Points Meeting was held on 8th and 9th of March 2006 in Toyama, Japan. About 20 experts and authorities including the members of FPM, representatives of NOWPAP RACs and others participated in the meeting. Following the opening addresses, the Director of CEARAC explained the implementation of CEARAC activities in 2005 and the expenditure of CEARAC budget for the 2004-2005 biennium as well as those of Working Group3 and Working Group4. The CEARAC workplan and budget for the 2006-2007 biennium which had been adopted by the 10th NOWPAP IGM (Toyama, Japan 24-26 November, 2005) was reported. Following this report, detailed activities of WG3 and WG4 were explained. Based on these reports, the meeting adopted the workplan and budget of CEARAC including those of WG3 and WG4. Workplan for MALITA assigned to CEARAC was also explained and adopted.