The First NEAR-GOOS – NOWPAP Joint Training Course on Remote Sensing Data Analysis
September 3-7, 2007, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan

CEARAC organized the first NEAR-GOOS – NOWPAP Joint Training Course on Remote Sensing Data Analysis at Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan from September 3 to 7, 2007 jointly with IOC/WESTPAC. The course consisted of lectures by specialists and hands-on practical sessions on the analysis of satellite data. The course provided an overview of remote sensing with special emphasis on application of ocean color relevant to the Northwest Pacific Region. The course was designed for post graduate students, professional researchers and local government officers working in the areas of marine sciences and coastal-zone management. 

To contribute to capacity building for monitoring and assessment of marine and coastal environment in the Northwest Pacific Region through providing technical assistance of ocean remote sensing techniques.

Date:   September 3 to 7, 2007

Venue:  Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan

Organization Structure
   IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)
   Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC), Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department, Japan Coast Guard
  Special Monitoring & Coastal Environment Assessment Regional Activity Centre (CEARAC)
・Co-organizer: Nagasaki University
・Supporter: UNDP / GEF Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Project

Course Fee
Training course was provided for free of charge.

24 trainees from 7 countries were selected out of about 40 applicants by screening by the Organizing Committee consisting of experts in IOC/WESTPAC, JODC and CEARAC, based on the contents of submitted application.

Country Number of Trainees
China 3
Japan 8
Korea 4
Russia 4
Indonesia 2
Thailand 1
Vietnam 2
Total 24


Country Name Title / Organization
China Dr. Junwu TANG Researcher, Chief of Cal/Val Team / 2nd Division, National Satellite Ocean Application Service
Japan Dr. Ichio ASANUMA Professor / Faculty of Informatic Science, The Tokyo University of Information Science
Japan Dr. Joji ISHIZAKA Professor / Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University
Japan Dr. Hiroshi KAWAMURA Professor / Ocean Environment Research Section Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Studies, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Japan Mr. Eiji MUKAINAKA Oceanographic Data and Information Officer / Japan Oceanographic Data Center
Japan Mr. Genki TERAUCHI Researcher / NOWPAP CEARAC
Japan Mr. Takashi YOSHIDA Senior Scientific Officer / Office of Marine Prediction, Japan Meteorological Agency
Korea Dr. Sang-Woo KIM Senior Researcher / Satellite Ocean Information Laboratory,
Ocean Research Team, National Fisheries Research & Development Institute (NFRDI)
Korea Dr. Kyung-Ae PARK Assistant Professor / Department of Earth Science Education, Seoul National University
Russia Dr. Leonid MITNIK Professor / Satellite Oceanography, V. I.II’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
USA Dr. Mati KAHRU Project Scientist / IOD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Course Program

Date Time Program Lecturer
Sep 3

9:00-9:20 Opening Ceremony and Course Orientation

Introduction – Remote sensing for the Northeast Asian Seas (L)

Dr. Hiroshi KAWAMURA
11:00-12:30 Atmospheric correction and bio-optical algorithm for ocean color remote sensing (L) Dr. Ichio ASANUMA
13:30-14:20 Introduction to satellite data distribution systems (L) Dr. Joji ISHIZAKA
14:20-15:10 Operational oceanographic data exchange and NEAR-GOOS Regional Real Time Data Base (L) Mr. Takashi YOSHIDA
15:20-16:10 Introduction of RDMDB (NEAR-GOOS) & Data Management at JODC (L) Mr. Eiji MUKAINAKA
16:10-17:00 – Basic exercise on WIM/WAM: Familiarizing with satellite data distribution system (H)
– Introduction to software for satellite data analysis: with an emphasis on SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (L)

Dr. Mati KAHRU (WIM)


Sep 4

9:00-9:45 Optic Properties and Regional Ocean Color Algorithms for the Case-II Waters in China Seas (L) Dr. Junwu TANG
9:45-10:30 Validation of Ocean Color Remote Sensing Data in Korea (L) Dr. Sang-Woo KIM
10:45-12:15 Satellite-based Red-Tide Detection/Monitoring (L) Dr. Hiroshi KAWAMURA
13:30-17:00 Visualizing and projecting satellite data images (H) Dr. Mati KAHRU
Sep 5 9:00-10:30 Introduction to Eutrophication Monitoring Guidelines by remote sensing for the NOWPAP Region and case study conducted in Toyama Bay and East China Sea (L) Dr. Joji Ishizaka
10:45-12:15 Case Studies of Red Tide (L) Dr. Joji Ishizaka
13:30-17:00 Command line programs for time series analysis (H) Dr. Mati KAHRU
Sep 6 9:00-12:15 Measurements of Ocean Optical Properties for Sea Truth and Primary Production (L) Dr. Joji ISHIZAKA
13:30-17:00 Match up analysis with sea truth measurement data HAB detection (H) Dr. Mati KAHRU
Sep 7 9:00-10:30 Monitoring of oil pollution with the use of satellite imagery (L) Dr. Leonid MITNIK
10:30-12:15 Introduction to NGSST and SST application for monitoring of ocean environment (L) Dr. Kyung-Ae PARK
13:30-17:00 Time series analysis of NGSST data (H) Dr. Mati KAHRU
17:00-17:30 Closing ceremony CEARAC Director

(L) = Lecture
(H) = Hands-on exercises
