The First Coastal Environmental Assessment Workshop was held on March 7, 2008 in Toyama, Japan.

1. Objectives
To share information on the current situation of coastal environmental assessment and to discuss how to develop a common procedure for the marine environmental assessment in the NOWPAP region.

2. Participating Organizations
Organizer: Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center (NPEC)
Supporters: The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, Japan Society on Water Environment, Ministry of the Environment (Japan), North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), NOWPAP RCU, The Oceanographic Society of Japan, The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Toyama Prefecture, Toyama City, Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Project in collaboration with the Yellow Sea Partnership

3. Program









Opening Ceremony
Keynote Speech:
(1) Dr. Hideaki NAKATA (Dean, Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University)
(2) Dr. Sinjae YOO (Voice-Chairman of Science Board and member of BIO (Biological Oceanography Committee), PICES/ Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute)

Session 1: CEARAC activities for the 2008-2009 biennium
Session 2: Current situations with coastal environmental monitoring in the NOWPAP member states
Session 3: Coastal environmental assessment in the NOWPAP member states

Panel Discussion: Development of a procedure for assessment of eutrophication status including evaluation of land based sources of nutrients in the NOWPAP region

4. Main Results
Reports were given on coastal environmental monitoring and assessment in the NOWPAP member states, and the presenters discussed development of the NOWPAP Procedures for assessment of eutrophication status. Then, they agreed on following points:
○ Common objectives
    From national-based assessments to regional glocal assessments based on common methods
○ How to advance development of a procedures
    Prioritization of environmental parameters
    Standardization of data
○ Necessary international cooperation
 ・Collaboration with global programs
    GMA (Global Marine Assessment)
    regional collaboration
・Collaboration with the PICES FUTURE program
    Collaboration with other relevant organizations

5. Proceedings
“Proceedings of the First Coastal Environmental Assessment Workshop”
