Marine Biodiversity

Report on Assessment of the Distribution of Tidal Flats in the NOWPAP Region(2022)[4MB]




Assessment of major pressures on marine biodiversity in the NOWPAP region (2018) [900KB]

While working on a regional report on the pilot assessments of impacts of major threats (eutrophication, non-indigenous species and habitat alteration) on marine biodiversity, CEARAC is preparing another report on assessment of major pressures on marine biodiversity in the NOWPAP region.


Regional report on pilot assessments of impacts of major threats on marine biodiversity in the NOWPAP region (2017)[2,289KB]                                  

Concerning impacts by human activities on the marine and coastal environment, CEARAC conducted pilot assessment on the impact of three major threats to marine biodiversity (eutrophication, non-indigenous species and habitat alteration) in the NOWPAP member states.


Monitoring and management of Marine Protected Areas in the NOWPAP region(2013)[6,623KB]

CEARAC published a report on marine protected areas (MPAs) which compiles basic information on the existing MPAs in the NOWPAP member states, including the laws and regulations stipulating the establishment of MPAs as well as the monitoring programs and management practices employed.

